Raise Your Ambition

Ambition is a good thing. It gives you something to work towards that is meaningful and sets the stage for setting and achieving goals. It is an important part of personal growth and can help you learn new skills and adapt to new challenges. Goals help you lead a more fulfilling life by raising your own standards in parts of your life in a positive way. Your goals can be personal or professional and come in many forms. They could be related to learning something new, having a healthier lifestyle, improving your relationships, or attaining professional advancement. The topics are endless and mean different things to different people.

Early Days of Ambition

I have been a goal-setter since I was a little girl. The earliest memory I have is when I was 8 years old and wanted to earn some money to spend. Wild raspberry bushes grew in our backyard between our house and the neighbors. I picked raspberries for hours, bagged them, and set up a makeshift table at the bottom of the long driveway on a semi-busy road. Could I make $20 that day? That was a lot of money back then. How many bags would I need to sell and how could I get the attention of the cars to buy my delicious raspberries? When I achieved the $20 goal, it felt so good, and the hard work involved in preparing for it was worth it.

You Need to Do the Work

Are you willing to put in the work to achieve a goal? Sometimes, the preparation or anticipation of what it takes to achieve a goal can be intimidating and get in the way of even setting it. Have you thought about learning something new and then thought, I don’t know if I can do it; am I too old? What will other people think? What if I fail? Raising your Ambition and attempting a goal is far better than not trying at all. You may surprise yourself.

How Can You Raise Your Ambition? 4 Simple Steps:

1. Set Clear Goals

Define what you want to achieve, starting with an idea or goal. Visualize success – create a mental picture of the outcome you want. Break your goals into smaller actionable steps and create a simple plan for achievement. What will you do each day or week to gain momentum?

2. Develop a Growth Mindset

Be curious and open to new experiences and be willing to try something new. It may be intimidating or uncomfortable at first. This is about learning. Surround yourself with people who also want to learn and grow.

3. Stay Persistent

Ambition requires determination. Stay committed to trying even when you may doubt or have obstacles in your way. This helps build resilience and helps you handle challenges.

4. Celebrate Your Milestones

Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small. Feel good about your progress. Achieving your milestones and goals fuels your growth.

Creating Blue Sky Ambition

While my raspberry sales endeavor was a long time ago, I have continued to raise my Ambition and put in the work to achieve my goals personally and professionally. There is a lot of enjoyment to putting in the work when you are motivated and have something to look forward to. Creating Blue Sky Ambition is a goal I’ve had for some time. I am learning, stretching, and getting out of my comfort zone with momentum! Blue Sky Ambition is an extension of how I can continue to share my thought leadership, support others in their personal and professional growth, and help them achieve their ambitions.